“That place where Coke tastes so good”

Hey readers, apparently there is a place where Coke tastes SO good. Any ideas where?

A recent advertising campaign posted to YouTube poses this question. Watch it here, then search “That place where Coke tastes so good” in Google to find the answer.

It’s the ingenious marketing of our beloved McDonalds! The ad already has 3.7 million views, and it wasn’t even posted on their YouTube channel! Mysteriously posted as the first of many ads as part of McDonalds new unbranded marketing campaign (Source).

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Video on YouTube – “Search it”. Source: YouTube 2017

The advert plays on how teens and twenty-somethings use their phones while watching TV, encouraging watchers to participate and engage with the advert.

The mysterious ad doesn’t mention McDonalds at all’ rather it just has famous Hollywood star Mindy Kaling wearing a bright yellow dress with a red background (The colours of McDonalds – genius!). In fact, only Coca-Cola and Google are mentioned, endorsing the connecting major brand (Coke) and linking it all to Google search (source).

The ad is interactive, turning you from passive observer to participant, which, if you follow through, will create an indelible, emotional connection in your mind between Google, McDonald’s. and Coca-Cola (source).

After watching the advert, I couldn’t resist searching “that place where Coke tastes so good”. I don’t know about you, but i will definitely remember the ad for McDonalds thanks to its mysterious and interactive aspects.

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Google search results for “that place where Coke tastes so good”. Source: Google 2017

The campaign provides a unique approach to marketing that could more effectively reach consumers; other companies may need to consider unbranded marketing campaigns to keep up with changing consumer attitudes towards adverts.

What do you think: Do you think McDonalds marketing campaign is effective in reaching their target market? Should the idea of ‘unbranded marketing’ be utilised by other brands?

2 thoughts on ““That place where Coke tastes so good”

  1. Wow that’s so smart! When I saw this I immediately thought of McDonalds because
    a) I personally think coke does taste better from McDonalds
    b) I remember reading somewhere that others think the same
    This is a powerful tactic used by McDonalds that has worked well for them, as I’m sure others like me, think of McDonalds. However I think it is risky because some brands may adopt this strategy, yet their consumers may not pick up on what the brand is. In which case their motive is lost.


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